Welcome to our farm! We are celebrating our 42nd year of raising Finnsheep. We bought our first 3 finns - one ram and 2 ewes - in 1982. The first year as yearlings the ewes had a set of twins and quads and we were hooked! We are now one of the largest breeders of Finnsheep in the US with 100 registered adult finnsheep on the property including 15 RR and 36 QR animals. We have been breeding the R gene into our original bloodlines since 2013. We have enough different bloodlines to provide unrelated animals from both our original bloodlines and our RR / QR animals for your flock. We raise all colors including brown, black, gray, white, badger (black, gray and brown) and pied (brown, black and gray). We breed for productivity, size, milking ability, good mothering and docile animals. We are happy to offer suggestions. We are EXPORT CERTIFIED in the Federal Scrapies program and can ship outside of the US.
Lambing starts March 6th this year. My husband and I are both retired this year and we are looking forward to giving the sheep our undivided attention. We take reservations for lambs you are interested in prior to their birth, and give you the right of first refusal on that animal. We also will be selling some of our adult animals. Check out our adults for sale page.
In 2019 we had our first set of 8 lambs from one ewe - Queen, 3L 13-259. We have had several sets of 7 but never expected that this ewe was carrying 8. All babies were born alive. In 2018 Queen had sextuplets. Her bloodline is consistently productive - Grandma is Miss 7-Up - 3L 11-281 - who is a septuplet who had sextuplets at age 9. Augustus is her son of that cross.
There are many ways to see what lambs we are expecting or have for sale. The Sheep for Sale page gives you a drop down menu that has the sheep broken down with by color, sex and age. You can look at 2024 Lamb List by Dam, which lists our breeding by ewe and dam. I will put the litter size and lambs born on that page as the lambs are born. The 2024 breeding by ram is listed under the Ram heading and is an easy way to see all the ewes each ram is bred to. I try to be current with my updates during lambing, and post new pictures as we go.
The price listed is picked up at our farm. We can deliver, or arrange flights for your animals. We do not sell animals via this website. If you find an animal you like please contact us.
Hughes Ewes is the name of our Etsy store. We sell raw, washed and carded wool as well as Baby Photo Props - felted sheepskins, felted blankets and basket fluff. You can check out our store from this website. If you do not see what you want let us know.

Triple L Finnsheep and
Hughes Ewes Wool
Welcome you to our Farm!
It is our 42st Anniversary!

Our Rams
We expect our rams to be tall, have long bodies with a great fleeces and be out of ewe lines with a proven history of high productivity. You will see an occasional single or twin in our line up (usually out of a yearling ewe in an animal with the R gene) but most of them are triplets or higher. We do not have an aggressive ram on the property - in fact most of them come up for attention when we are in the pen.

Our Ewes
We have been breeding our sheep with one goal in mind - to raise animals who produce well, have great mothering ability, nice fleeces and are easy to work with. Our image of a great ewe has a good long frame, straight legs, large udder and the body capacity to carry large litters of lambs. We have found that these ewes can cross well with any breed. We expect our animals to be respectful, although most of them are like large dogs and follow us everywhere. Our ewe are expected to be good mothers, lamb by themselves and produce a good supply of milk.
Need more information?
Drop us a email or give us a call - we love talking about sheep!
89202 N Harrington Rd
West Richland, Benton County 99353